1. Believe in your child and her ability to go through the rep hockey tryout process, accept the coaches' decisions and keep working to improve (whether she makes the team or not). Your steadfast confidence in her resiliency will make a difference.
2. Will yourself to remain outwardly positive throughout the process. Notice your child's effort, a great pass, her ability to do crossovers. You do not need to critique the tryout. Your job is to be a support team for your child.
3. The player who excels is not necessarily the player who will excel in senior years. Whether your child makes rep team or not, believe it. It is true. The success a child enjoys initially may be fleeting and the disappointed child may one day be a star.
4. Keep in mind that the tryout process is stressful for the players, the parents and the coaches. No one likes to tell a nervous, possibly tearful young girl that she won't be on the team. No one likes to face the stares of annoyed parents. Encourage your child to understand this is difficult for everyone.
5. Check and double check your child's hockey bag and make sure that everything that should be in there, is. Don't let missing garments or equipment add to an already stressful situation.
6. If at all possible, avoid using brand new equipment for the tryout. Check that your child's skates are the right size and that they are sharpened. If she is wearing new gear, get her used to it in a preseason conditioning camp or save the new elbow pads for mid September.
7. Remember to bring water
8. Remember that your child is having an opportunity to tryout because of a huge team of dedicated volunteers. Be sure to take time to thank the folks who make minor hockey happen in your community. They are probably living at the rink during tryouts. It is a long road. Best of luck to you and your child.